Board members and directors

sa1 One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Chairman of Alsafwa company
Nasser Nayef Abdullah bin Zulif
sa2 One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Vice Chairman and CEO
Mubark Nayef bin Zulif
ayman One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
General Manager of Masader Al Safwa company
Khalf Abdulmohsen Al Otaibi
m6 0014 خالد الحامد ـ مدير عام شركة تعهدات الصفوة One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
General Manager of Tahodat Al Safwa company
Khaled Alhamed
m6 0004 مهندس لطفي الكثيري مدير عام شركة صفوة الرياض للتشغيل والصيانة One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
General Manager of Safwat Al Riyadh Company for Operation and Maintenance
Eng. Lotfi Al Kathiri
شريف أحمد الرفاعي ـ مدير عام شركة صفوة الرياض الدولية لتأجير السيارات
General Manager of Safwat Riyadh International Car Rental Company
Sherif Ahmed Al-Rifai
m4 One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
General Manager of Al Safwa General Construction Company
Saleh AbdulHai AbdulKhaliq
zke One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
General Manager of Safwat Riyadh Arabia Company
Ahmed Zaki
m6 0006 محمد الزهراني ـ مدير المنطقة الوسطي One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Middle region manager
Mohammed Al-Zahrani
m6 0012 سامي صالح العمري ـ مدير المنطقة الغربية One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Western region manager
Sami Saleh Al-Omari
m6 0015 حاتم إبراهيم البسيوني ـ مدير المنطقة الشرقية One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Sami Saleh Al-Omari Eastern region manager
Hatem Ibrahim Al Bassiouni
m6 0007 محمد إبراهيم سلام ـ السكرتير التنفيذي لمجلس الإدارة One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Executive Secretary of the Chairman
Mohammed Ibrahim Salam
m1 One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
General Manager of the Group Finance
Mahmoud Al-Qusi
ag One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Financial Director of Western Region Sectors
Abdul Azim Nabil Abdulaziz
m6 0019 أحمد الحسيني ـ المدير المالي لقطاعات المنطقة الوسطي One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Financial Director of Middle Region Sectors
Ahmed Al Husseini
m6 0002 مهندس مصطفي حسن ـ مدير إدارة المشاريع One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Director of Project Management
Eng. Mustafa Hassan
m6 0001 مهندس وائل وجدي ـ مدير إدارة التصاميم والدراسات One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Director of Design and Studies Department
Eng. Wael Wagdy
m6 0003 مهندس محمد صفوة ـ مدير قطاع الأعمال الكهروميكانيكية One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Electromechanical Business Sector Manager
Eng. Mohamed Safwa
m6 0017 أسامة إبراهيم المهدي ـ مدير إدارة العلاقات العامة والتسويق One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Director of Public Relations and Marketing
Osama Ibrahim Al-Mahdi
m6 0016 أيمن بابكر علي ـ مدير إدارة المخاطر One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Risk Management Manager
Ayman Babiker Ali
m6 0020 أحمد إبراهيم سلام ـ مدير إدارة عمليات التحصيل والعملاء One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Director of Collection and Customer Operations
Ahmed Ibrahim Salam
ayman2 One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Director of collection and credit department
Ayman Al-Enezi
أحمد أنس ـ مدير إدارة التشغيل والصيانة
Director of Operation and Maintenance
Ahmed Anas
عمرو أبو زيد ـ مدير الشئون القانونية
Director of Legal Affairs
Amr Abu Zeid
ibara One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
Director of the taxi sector at King's Airport
Ahmed Ibrahim
safwariyadh team work One of the leading companies and a significant number in all its fields
error: المحتوي محمي ولا يسمح بستخدام المحتوي